Lower Body Pregnancy Workout

This workout features light pair of dumbbells and a workout band. If you do not have dumbbells, feel free to use soup cans, bottles of water, jugs of laundry detergent… Anything that adds a little bit of weight will do. If you do not have bands, that is ok, this workout can still be done without a band. Though, I highly recommend considering investing in them because they can be easily brought with you wherever you go whether you are traveling or decide to do a workout in a park. They add a sweet resistance and challenge to your workout which equals intensified cardio and muscle growth. Both of those are very important when giving birth, so I’ve heard. My OB told me it is good for me to exercise during pregnancy as it is a good preparation for the labor that feels like a full blown marathon. Check in with your OB and PCP if it is safe for you to exercise prior to starting any form of exercise. 

Also, this workout has a couple of supersets. 


Superset workout is when you complete one set of exercise followed by another set of exercise right after, without taking a break in between. This type of exercise will give you that muscle burn which means muscle grown. 🙂 

Take it at your own pace, and enjoy this *bumpy* ride 🙂 

